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Females x Males

Female’s thought - Fourth meeting. I was standing next to you, I was wearing a kitten heels and the tip of my head equals your shoulder, you’re tall and have a beautiful smile. It was love at the second sight. The (our) meeting ends as the driver came to pick me at the lobby, I shook my hand to you, can I wish a bit longer holding your hand? Male’s thought – had a usual meeting today, hoahm. It was 5pm already and I am still here waiting for these people to go and then I could go home or maybe call some friends so we can hang out a bit. Hm. Bye bye partners, I’m going home!! Months passes. Memory lashes. ... to be continue ...
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Mrs. Ex

Hey dear Mr. Ex. I called our favorite fast food last night and when they pick up my call, somebody said "selamat malam Mrs. Ex, dengan saya ada yang bisa kami bantu?". Can I answer em, "I'm not Ex's so can you switch the name with MyRealName? Thanks." I miss you by the way. But it's okay.

Cupid have had hit a wrong target?

... “ and.. I miss my Dad thousand times as much as I miss you. .” lalu Adam terdiam. Saat ini aku sangat ingin langsung menggenggam tangannya, dan memeluknya erat, dalam diam. Paling tidak Adam tau ada yang bersedia mendengarkan karena sadar berkata apapun tidak dapat mengubah keadaan. “ don’t be such a cry baby. You have your boarding pass, and it’s a long long road you have to face in front of you .” Akhirnya aku berkata, mengucap keheningan saat ini.  Adam mengangkat kepala yang sedari tadi kosong menatap setengah cangkir latte di hadapannya, dan tersenyum lebar, sangat lebar hingga gigi-gigi putihnya yang rapih terlihat begitu cemerlang, seperti senyum anak kecil yang kegirangan di beri gulali padahal ibu melarangnya makan permen terlalu banyak. Senyum itu tidak pernah hilang, sejak 3 tahun yang lalu aku mengenalnya. Aku mengecek jam tanganku, 30 menit lagi pesawatku boarding, 15 menit lebih awal dari jadwal keberangkatannya. Adam mengangkat tangan memberi kode k

Pathetic Saturday : under the state of Randomness.

Have u felt like it’s really really boring until you didn't even know what to do? Like what you’re trying to do to kill that boredom did nothing at the end and you can switch activities once in a while instantly, like you did so much randomness in a very short of time? It does happen to me this time. And it happened to one of my friend at office yesterday, when the working hour just got off. For me the feeling of this boredom can lead me to any of random things. I woke up to the fact that I missed doing my prayer on time so I forced my body to move and did my obligation. After it done, i don't know what would I do in this whole day, and when such feeling hit me, it feels like shit. It’s actually rain that screw all of the plans. I've planned to go at some place looking for a proper baby stroller (with a proper price of course) as a present for my friend’s new born baby girl, and will maybe end up home with a pair of wedges or liberated feeling after bought some goo

runaway ?

It's not-in-a-good-mood day, and I can easily sense that something might going wrong since the moment I woke up this morning. It was cloudy when I left out my dorm and walking few blocks heading to my office. Everything's grand until 10 am.  I was so done involved in a strategic meeting, everything's based on assumptions, since assuming sucks, I never felt so well doing the outlet's target planning.  As I left out the meeting room reached for my blackberry at my desk.  Scrolling down images at Picture Library. An image sent to You. Read.  Incoming message: " Reach the lobby in 5 minutes and turned off your phone ."  Come back to office at almost 3 pm. Turned on my blackberry. Loads of PING! arrives. A smirk on my face. I feel grand by then. o o o Sometimes in life you feel tired, feel so tired after 5 days a week at work, through nearly 60 hours working, having a demanding boss, and there's no better way out rather than run away from the

2014 Resolutions

Happy Great New Year 2014 everyone!


at last he knows that I know. He's trying to explain but I understood. Just about time. And here comes the time. "what do ya think?" "it's okay, I'm on your side." he smiled. "I'm the next." he laughed. I know we both wants to get out of here badly. I just haven't got a chance. I feel so pleased that he finally decides to go, he doesn't suits here-never suits here, and there'll be a huge financially restructuring later on his life. And I know that the decision made will left no regrets. He deserves better, all of us deserves better if we think we deserve better. His decision encourage me to make a better decision of my life, my lifetime career for exact. We have to be brave, take the risk, the result would be worth since we keep the faith in it. All I'm about to say is that for me it wouldn't be easy, but at least I know it's the best for his life. At last, he leaves.